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New trends, new models and new challenges: Zhiqiao Manufacturing——Empowering the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry


Mobile terminals, collaborative factories

Different roles can obtain real-time feedback on role related data and analysis through the APP

  • Informationization runs through the entire workshop and every employee.

  • By collecting production data and combining it with production performance specifications, automatic calculation of employee performance-based wages can be achieved.

  • Task assignment and confirmation, execution and feedback, achievement push.

Transforming the way we work, produce, and communicate

  • Efficient allocation of production factors, improve production delivery capacity, reduce waste

  • Real-time control of production process, accurate traceability of production problems

  • The system reduces the communication cost, and the production unit collaborates seamlessly

Throughout Lean production

  • The system begins with management and finally digitizes. ZQ-MES fully considers business process reengineering optimization, operation lean thinking, and system solidification

  • Provide improvement support for lean production optimization through data analysis

Powerful data acquisition engine, integrated data acquisition channels

  • Data acquisition technology is used to map real data of human, machine, material, method, ring and measurement

  • ESB bus technology is used to integrate the data of each system into the data pool to avoid data island

  • Use data analysis models and algorithms to make management decisions more accurate

Production efficiency improvement

Reduce the frequency and loss degree of various production anomalies and improve enterprise profits

  • Standardize production, processing and other equipment management

  • Improve equipment production efficiency, reduce equipment investment

  • Strengthen employee performance appraisal and improve the efficiency of quick response and handling of exceptions

  • Improve key operations automation management, reduce the input of manpower and material resources

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